This year, Cleveland is home to two free summerlong contemporary art triennials, festivals that happen every three years, FRONT (July 14-October 2) and CAN Triennial (July 8-August 31). Combined, these festivals create the opportunity to see and experience contemporary art from 200+ artists, in 40+ venues, and in 10+ neighborhoods throughout Northeast Ohio. Bike Cleveland is proud to partner with FRONT and CAN to offer a series of curated cultural adventures by bike where you’ll get to see artworks, hear from artists and/or FRONT/CAN staff, and support local businesses along the way.
Join us for a Not Your Average Slow Roll: FRONT & CAN Edition starting at the Fairfax Recreation Center (2335 E. 82nd St) on July 27th. Meet up at 6pm and ride out at 6:30pm. We’ll ride 11 miles to visit several FRONT & CAN Triennial exhibits throughout Fairfax, St. Claris Superior, and University Circle, returning back to Fairfax Recreation Center by 9pm.
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